Solar LED Lighting & Off-Grid Power Blog

Banners, Kiosks, Signs, Oh My! Use Solar Sign Lighting Systems

Written by SEPCO | 11/1/11 11:48 AM

Solar lighting can be used for many different applications. Some of the most common solar sign lighting systems are banners, kiosks, and signs. We have completed many projects that show the versatility of solar lighting in all of these types of applications. Let's take a quick look at the various types of lighting installations and how solar was utilized as the power source. 


Solar Banner Signs Systems:


The City of Arlington Heights uses our solar banner sign lighting systems for the banner signs throughout their downtown areas. These banner signs have solar power and fixtures mounted to the top of the banner shining down. These solar-powered banner signs light up from dusk for 3 hours and provide information to residences and tourists in the area. The project also showcases the city's green initiative and keeps the solar up high to access the sunlight and keep them installed on the same pole as the banner sign.


Solar Sign Systems:


The City of Port St. Lucie uses our solar sign lighting systems throughout the city. These solar-powered sign lighting systems provide dusk to dawn lighting for all signs located throughout the area. Some signs use single fixtures, while others have multiple fixtures, either to illuminate a larger monument sign or to illuminate the sign and surrounding landscape.


The City of Port St. Lucie shows its green initiative not only through its solar sign light systems but also through many other projects located around the area. The city says it perfectly by stating on one of its solar-powered signs, "Keep Port St. Lucie Beautiful," and they are doing just that by helping the environment with solar lighting systems.


Internally Illuminated Solar Sign:


Solar can also be integrated into the sign for internal illumination, as seen with the Mediterranean Community. The solar power for this sign lighting system is integrated into the top portion of the monument sign, with the lamps located within the sign. When just driving by, the solar is flush mounted, and many are unaware of the solar that powers the sign, but still allows for a green alternative for the community.


This is not the ideal system for any location that gets snow. Instead, the solar can be remotely mounted nearby at a 45° angle to ensure plenty of sun is captured and stored during the day and no snow collects on the panels. Occasionally, in southern climates, the solar is able to be integrated into the sign cabinet.


Solar Kiosk System:


Kiosks are located throughout colleges, parks, and cities. These kiosks provide a great place for solar-powered kiosk light systems as their roof can be mounted with solar with light fixtures wired underneath for lighting at night. Auraria Higher Education Center has been installing solar-powered kiosk light systems throughout their campuses to provide lighting for students seeking information after dark. These systems provide lighting from dusk for 6 hours to help lower the size and cost of the system as no students are on-site later. 


Benefits of Solar Banner, Kiosk, and Sign Systems:

All of these systems provide many benefits, including no need for power to be trenched to the location, free energy provided by the sun, and a tax incentive provided by Federal, State, and Local authorities. Next time you are in the position to light a banner, kiosk, or sign, think solar.