SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Decorative Solar Lighting

Essential Questions for Designing Effective Solar Lighting Systems
We receive a tremendous number of phone calls and emails expressing interest in our high-performance off-grid solar-powered lighting systems. For our solar lighting specialists to..

Why Solar Powered Pole Lights Are the Future of Outdoor Lighting
As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the environment, more and more people are turning to sustainable solutions to meet their needs. One area where this trend is..

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Parking Lot Lights
Solar parking lot lights are a great way to provide lighting to an area without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED parking lot lights can lower..

Turtle Friendly LED Solar Street Lights for Bradenton Beach
Back in 2009, the City of Bradenton Beach decided to utilize renewable energy to lower their city’s electric bill and become more environmentally friendly. As they are a coastal..

Solar Lamp Post Lights: Forgotten Commercial Solar Lights
Residential spaces are the primary users of lamp post lights. Typically installed along a driveway or in the front yard of a home, these lights provide a small amount of..

Beautiful Decorative Solar Lamp Post Lights on Salerno Road
In August of 2010, the Martin County Traffic Division contacted Solar Electric Power Company (SEPCO) requesting a solution for a particular lighting application. In the recent..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system