Why Use Commercial Solar Lighting Systems?
See why solar lighting is becoming the go-to option:
Installing commercial solar lighting systems is very simple. Set the pole with the specific foundation requirements and put the solar power assembly, fixture, and fixture mounting bracket on the top of the pole. We here at SEPCO provide a complete installation guide with every system and are available to assist with any hiccups you come across during your installation process.
Energy Independence
Since each system does not rely on grid power, you are in complete control of your commercial solar LED lighting. If you require the light to operate only at certain times, our range of control options will allow you to program exactly what you require. And if the power goes down around you, your light will still shine on, never relying on anything else but the sun.
Environmentally Friendly
The power for our commercial solar lighting systems is provided by the sun. What else can be better than that? The solar panels charge the battery assembly during the day and the controller switches to power the light from that reserve at night. In the morning, the process repeats itself.

Off-Grid with Battery Backup
Our systems are completely self-sustained and off-grid. SEPCO’s commercial solar LED lighting will work no matter if the grid power is functioning or not, making them a sound investment for security or areas prone to blackouts. There is also a battery backup that provides 5 days of backup power storage for days of inclement weather or after a large storm.
No Trenching
Since the systems are self-contained, there is no trenching or underground wiring required with almost any solar lighting system. It allows the systems to be installed on a pole, reducing installation costs by not having to bring in drop-down lines and trenching the ground to run costly wire. This also puts all wiring up high and out of reach of people vandalizing electrical wire for the copper.

Tax Credits
Did you know there is a Federal Tax Credit available to all commercial customers? There are also state and local tax benefits available for commercial and residential customers. For more information, check out DSIRE’s website.
Cost Savings
There is absolutely no electric bill associated with off-grid solar lighting systems. Just install the system anywhere it is needed and watch it shine. It does all the work for you and doesn’t require any grid backup or traditional dirty power sources.

Protecting the Planet
The sun produces enough energy every 10 seconds to meet the world’s energy needs. Therefore, tapping into this unlimited energy source is the way to the future and protecting our planet against harmful CO2 emissions produced by dirty energy producers.
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system