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SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Conservation (2)

5 Reasons Dark Sky Solar Lighting Systems Are Critical to Health

5 Reasons Dark Sky Solar Lighting Systems Are Critical to Health

Dark sky lighting is vital for wildlife and human health because it helps to preserve natural light cycles and reduce the negative impacts of light pollution. Therefore, solar..

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How to Develop Your Small Business Sustainability Plan

How to Develop Your Small Business Sustainability Plan

As a prospective small business owner, you have a lot to gain by adopting a sustainability plan. Beyond supporting the environment and reducing your impact on the planet, building..

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How Have Solar Panels Improved Over The Years

How Have Solar Panels Improved Over The Years?

While it might seem like it, solar panels are not a new invention. In fact, they were first invented in the late 1800s, which seems like an incredibly long time ago for a..

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Top Solar Energy Trends to Expect for 2022

Top Solar Energy Trends to Expect for 2022

While global events have handicapped many industries over the past couple of years, solar power is one area that’s continued to go from strength to strength. With continued..

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The Economic Opportunity of Renewable Energy Jobs

The Economic Opportunity of Renewable Energy Jobs

Right now, the economy is in a difficult place. As companies still struggle to recover from the hits of the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus and all its variations continue to spread...

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Are LED Lights Bad for Your Health

Are LED Lights Bad For Your Health? And Other Myths Debunked

There are a lot of negative rumors swirling about LED lights. Some claim that these lights have numerous ill effects despite evidence that says otherwise. In fact, modern LED..

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Connections Between Renewable Energy and COVID-19 Recovery

Connections Between Renewable Energy and COVID-19 Recovery

There’s no question that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the course of modern life around the world, on several levels. But there’s some good news in the realm of pandemic-related..

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What’s a Solar Sun Hour and Why Does It Matter

What’s a Solar Sun Hour and Why Does It Matter?

Whether you are working on an off-grid solar system or a grid-tied solar system, understanding sun hours allows you to understand more about how the system sizing is performed...

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How Solar Panels Survive in Hurricanes

How Solar Panels Survive in Hurricanes

During natural disasters like hurricanes, you may find yourself second-guessing the durability of your outdoor equipment, from sheds to solar panels. But just how durable are..

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3 Things to Expect in Solar Energy in 2021

3 Things to Expect in Solar Energy in 2021

Since the 1980s, when solar energy became readily available to the American public, tremendous changes have been made to the industry each year. As panel technology changes, solar..

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Urban Energy Independence and Public Sustainability

Urban Energy Independence and Public Sustainability

As climate crises like the Texas winter freeze or the blistering heatwave that hit the Pacific Northwest become more common, individuals and municipalities alike are recognizing..

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Technological Innovations

Technological Innovations that can Make the World Go Greener

“We’ve not inherited the earth from our fathers; we’ve borrowed it from our children.” This unique quote from an old environment magazine echoes sentiments expressed by the..

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Not sure where to start?

Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system

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